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Sex, Dads and Sun Loungers: The Life of Rachel

Rachel. Your typical Northern lager lout, but with a very over active imagination. And God's been watching her... We figured out what makes her tick...

What do you look for in a partner?

Oooooh. Has to have a good head of hair.

Worst pull?

I pulled a Man United fan once, that was mortifying.

What's your best worst drunk story?

Got absolutely wankered in Magaluf and went up to every Club Rep telling them they had 10 seconds to pitch us their offer before saying 'thank you we will deliberate' and wandering off. Ended up going to the female club rep 'cos we liked her dress and kept trying to buy her drinks. I tried to speak Spanish to the Macdonald's workers and consoled Khaled (who we met in the hotel earlier that night) who was crying cos his friends 'didn't understand him' and woke up on the floor with ketchup all over my bed sheets and face. I don't like ketchup. That was a cracking night.

What would you say to God if you met him?

Can you make the Gallagher brothers friends again?

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